Jeddah. Me and my wife had ventured into a home-business program last October. We were only planning on buying their product shampoo because we were having problem with our dandruff which was caused by the water system here in Saudi Arabia but after seeing the efficiency of their product called Arctic Sea, we were so in to it. Of course, me and wife talked about it for a few days before we really decided to join them.
Actually, we have been searching for a business we could deal while here abroad. Before we even went on vacation, we decided to look for a product to market here in Saudi Arabia for business. Our first thoughts were bags, since we have lots of good manufacturing companies back in our country. Our main concern was the product shipment. Next option we had was T-Shirt printing business but then again, shipment of the equipment was our main issue. I tried to contact a local friend but he was not easy to contact so in the end we did not find any product to market here abroad. My aunt showed me a product, herbal tea and some other stuffs. It got me interested but then again when I asked her how I can get the product, she said that I have to ship it here which is of course the same issue. I even thought of being an investment agent or insurance or even real-estate sales but it all requires a lot of training and time which I don't have back in Manila. And so I went back here in Saudi Arabia without any product to sell. That is why when we learned about Forever Living Products here in Saudi Arabia, we became interested.
And so after watching a demo, we were told to open our minds. So we opened our minds, we don't want to waste our time by being there and having a close mind so we just did as we were told. And we were really amazed. At first I thought FLP is just another MLM scheme in which you can only earn from having downlines and just one of those scam MLMs. But after seeing the demo on how big FLP is, having their own plantation, manufacturing company with robotics, having their own researchers and scientists, even having their own resorts and they have been on the business for (34) thirty-four years, most online MLMs I've known were closed now. So we joined and tested their product and we were more amazed at the company after experiencing their great products - so it's not just all talk after all.
To make the story short, we used their products and we shared our experience and got our first paycheck just awhile ago. It's an early Christmas gift us couples. Thank you Lord for a great blessing.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Wow! This is unbelievable. And I thought he was just for good looks. I haven't really saw him play but after seeing this clip, count me in as one of his fans. I can't imagine the control he has on his legs and man... David Beckham, are you an alien? Watch out for K and J.
You all got to see this clip.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
I was browsing the web when i got into a great deal on the web. It's a Seagate Expansion 3 TB USB 3.0 Desktop External Hard Drive
that is worth only $99.99 (379SAR) - ain't that a great deal? I really could use one of this (oh how I wish!) and probably sell my 2 pcs of 1TB external hard drive from Western Digital. I don't have any complaints with my current 1TB ext. hard drives but I do really need an extra space for a backup of all my digital goodies, my drive is getting a bit crowded and unsorted. If I get one of this, I'll probably put all my goodies from my 2 ITB hard drives in it and then I'll dedicate one of my 1TB on all the digital images I took with my Nikon D90.
It's really a great deal because last time I check from a computer shop 2TB external drive costs around 400+SAR(around 106 for a 2TB). This item would also be a great addition to Christmas Gift Idea for 2012 and it's a great Tech Deals for every gadget lovers out there like me. Grab one now while there still some on their stocks.
Product Specification:
Instantly add 3 TB of storage space to your computer
Simple plug-and-play connectivity via USB cable
Power supply and USB 3.0 cable included
USB 3.0 interface for extremely fast data transfer speeds (USB 2.0 compatible)
Drive is automatically recognized by Windows; no software installation required
Click the link to find more about it's details. That's it for now. Be on a lookout for more great tech deals I'll be featuring here. Have a nice day.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Wow! after seeing this great video clip, I want to be patriotic once again. It is an all-star cast and I believe this will be a great movie and people would feel patriotic too once they see this movie. They should make movies like this more often. I'm sure if this would be the standard, I'll be more than willing to watch our very own movies. It's not that I am bullying our movie industry but if you try to look at some of our movies, you'd understand why. If they say movie is an art, this is just one perfect example of that. Not just for the money but for a better movie itself. Great casting too (the characters fit well). Enjoy the movie trailer guys.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
I've already neglected some of the categories I have written before so let us refresh those categories and go back to business category.
MLM or Multi-Level Marketing is a strategy or scheme where a member gets commission not just from their sales but also from the people and they recruited. Sometimes compensation comes from 1st generation or direct recruits up to variable generation. Some call this scheme Pyramid Selling, Networking / Network Marketing, Referral Marketing. They come in two types; online and offline.
I've joined a lot of online MLM before and it was really a good income if you really work for it. Online MLM has lots of ways you can earn like getting bonuses from pairs, having up to 8th generation earning which means you'll get more from your downline's downline's downline up to whatever the company has promised you. It's amazing how many people (like me) where lured on this. Most of this are selling e-books or sometimes none at all, which means you earn only by referring and no useable products for you or to sell.
Oflline MLM in some way is the same with offline but most of these business are selling products. Having a downline makes you earn more incentive from their sales too. It's like a word-of-mouth marketing because it mostly involve a person to person marketing unlike the online MLM which you can promote and just leave info on the internet and then someone can join.
Now a lot of people criticize this scheme to be scums. This could be most probable with online MLMs and I've joined a few before so better beware of these companies. Well, in my opinion, as long as the company is selling a product (tangible) and useful to the consumer then I think they aren't scams unless they are not paying the people of their hardships in selling the product.
When we look at our job and our company, who would be at the top? Where are you located in your company's organizational chart? Are you at the mid-level or the lowest-level? Does the organizational chart look like a pyramid? In your company, whenever a product is sold who benefits most to the income? You'll be probably paid a fixed profit only or an incentive of a percentage of a big sales.
I've seen a lot of growing companies but the lowest-level mostly stays the same after years of working. However in MLM, when you work hard, you get compensated really well. Of course the top-most usually earns a part of your earnings but it is part of the business everywhere you go. I actually saw a MLM where you can earn more than your upline if you really work hard and your upline is lazy. Their product is really good and very useable.
So that concludes it. There is no problem joining these kind of businesses but be extra careful in joining. It is best to investigate first before you join. I guess if the company is already established for a long time and has a very good product (legal) to sell and marketing plan then it is good.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Okay, I admit it, the past week has been busy for me and it's not because of doing something really productive, I've been addicted to Batman: Arkham City. So, how addicting was it? Lets just say, I always visit Facebook like 20-50 times a day but when I played Batman, it became twice a day (morning and evening before sleeping) - that's how addicted I am to the game. I know this is a bit late but I still want to make a review about it. Don't worry, I won't be biased about this review. Here it goes.
Graphics is awesome! It should be good since it is using Unreal's technology. Tosha (my laptop) really made my day when it played Batman flawlessly. There was just some slow downs in some parts of the game, specially after cut-scenes and you have to fight a lot of enemies. It is probably because of the rendering of all the enemies I was about to face. About the characters, I love the Batman character and the Catwoman looks great too! She is so hot!
Gameplay is another awesome part! I can't believe fighting games can be this realistic. It's like I am watching a Batman movie or better yet Taken but of course the best part was I get to pick who I kick or knock to the ground first. Having played Rainbow Six and Splinter Cell trained me really well in having patience when it comes to knocking down enemies while on a stealth mode. I love creeping on my prey and silently knock them unconscious (though there is a part of me that wants to stick a knife at their back or slit their throat - forgive my violence). It's like I am playing Splinter Cell again but with kick-ass fighting moves. I just hope there\ll be an option where you can interact with the environment like picking up a glass and throwing it on the enemies like how the enemies pick up a fire extinguisher and throw it at me. Oooh! oooh! I love the part where you can catch the stuff the enemy throws at you and throw it back at them.
Actions and Movements is pretty simple too, like most games now - keyboard plus the mouse for action. I love how you can counter an enemies attack using the right-click while using the middle-click to make the enemies dizzy and do your killer combo after that - it was awesome!
The story is awesome too! Playing this game made mo love Batman more. Of all the characters in DC comics, Batman is my favorite and this game just made me love Batman more. Love the twist of the story and the character build-up. I love the story so much. I just finished the part where Joker dies and now I'm playing as Catwoman (ooops! sorry for the spoiler for all those who haven't played it yet). But did Joker really died? Knowing Joker, he has lots of tricks on his sleeves.
Overall, it was a great game so to all who haven't played the game yet. Grab a copy now at your favorite game shop. It is a game worth playing. A worthy of everyone\s game archive. Thanks and hope to see you again on another game review or some tips.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Have you seen the Halo 4 game preview? If not, you should see it. It seems the Floods aren't the only threat now. Actually, from what I've heard, the Floods have been eliminated already in Halo 3 (haven't played it yet, sorry).. And with the new threat, it seems Floods can't really be compared to the new threat. Well, I have yet to play Halo 3 before I get to enjoy this new game Halo 4. I've played Halo 1 and 2 and I am pretty sure that I'd enjoy Halo 3 and 4. My son is asking me for a game console either PS3 or Xbox 360 and I think I am already found my answer.
This limited edition Xbox 360 game console has this features:
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Who doesn't love gadgets? Gadgets are so cool specially if they have lots of usage or just plain cute. It's amazing what technology has to offer nowadays. I've been watching the internet and found lots of gadgets on the internet which are really useful for our needs. Okay here are some of the cool gadgets that I am talking about.
Looney Tunes USB Flash Drive
4GB capacity
Read speed: up to 15 MB/s
Write speed: up to 5 MB/s
Chain with cap holder included
Other designs to collect. There are also other designs like Coca Cola, beer, Hello Kitty, etc which has different capacities.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Last September 20, Torchlight 2 was launched and to all who missed it, you can always buy the game anytime at your own convenience and download the game from Steam. The game costs $19.99 only and is looking good already. Most of the game fans were already playing the game online. I've tried playing the game for about 3 minutes and it is doing great already, very fast response and the graphics was quite cool even though it looks cartoonish. Anyways, buy the game and have fun. This is not a review since I haven't played the game so well. My brother and I will test the LAN game to experience a coop-mode battle. See you on the review.
The game was developed by Runic Games in which some of the main the developers were former developers of Blizzard: Diablo developers.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Okay, can somebody please pinch me. Am I seeing a Hollywood film? Too bad I won't be here to watch this film coz this is another Pinoy film that I would want to watch. I can say that this would be the first pinoy suspense, thriller, action, adventure, horror film I ever want to really watch. Just watching the trailer made me proud of the evolution of our movies. It's about time we have one. I reallly like the computer graphics used in this one.
Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles stars Dingdong Dantes, Lovi Poe, Janice de Belen, Joey Marquez, Roi Vinson, LJ Reyes, Ramon Bautista, Rina Reyes and Roldan Aquino.
Watch and enjoy the trailer and be amazed.
I hope the DVD gets out soon after the movie is shown on cinemas, this would be a hit. I would buy and add it to my collections.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
I am not an avid fan of Batman cartoons but I love the movies specially the last three movies. Batman movies have soared the movie theaters for a long, long time already and almost all of it were blockbuster. Probably, the realism of the character made the vigilante Batman without super-powers concept made a lot of fans to a lot of kids and adults alike. There is one particular Batman anime style movie clip I've seen that my brother showed me and it was so awesome. I think Batman should look like this when it is animated. I've seen a lot of anime style Batman but this one probably was the best.
It was uniquely rendered in a 1930's style thatt kinda reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender anime because of the fighting style used in the anime. I hope this buds a seriously animated Batman series. By the way, this was shown in Cartoon Network channel.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Okay, I've been playing this game for quite awhile now and from my experience, I can never imagine myself getting hooked on an an MMORP game before, this one is a keeper for sure. I've played Ragnarok before but just for the sake of playing it and experience MMORPG but C9 or Continent of the Ninth made a great difference.
At first, it was quite hard to get the hang of it since it was my first time to really grind my teeth on. Exploring the game takes time but you can enjoy the moment in learning the game slowly as your game progress. It was a unique experience for me I should say. The art of Trading and Crafting things for a secondary job on the game itself is something you should or may want to explore. Okay lets start checking each categories.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
For all those who are looking for a discounted hosting plus domain, here is your chance. This is not a sponsored post. Any information found in this article is just based on the website's promotion. Please refer to the website below in order to avail of the promo.
I am using IPage for about six months only but I can say that their service is really excellent. Their account management is quite easy to understand and their web apps are very easy to use and and easy to install.
Promo ends on Saturday, June 30. Enjoy hosting your new site. Click on the image above to go to the website.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
For those of you who have no idea what Pixelpost is, well it is an open-source photoblog CMS (Content Management System) application for the web. I've been on a lookout for a good photoblog application for the web for a very long time and I can only say that only Pixelpost made most of my ideas come to life.
For beginners, it is very easy to customize and the themes are very easy to install as well. Addons are very useful. You have lots of addons and themes to choose from on their website which is free for download for everyone. I am using their latest version Pixelpost 1.7.3, using the Lunas theme and it is very promising.
Friends - a sample photo from Photoblog ni Noel
If ever I am going to make a new photoblog, it will definitely be a Pixelpost. Check out my photoblog -
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
After the launch of Diablo 3 last May 15, there have been a lot of mixed reactions regarding the game. I have decided not to buy Diablo 3 and wait for people's reaction first since it was said that the game would be "Online Only". Sadly, the game can't be played offline even on Single Player mode. I remember before that I've played and finished playing Diablo 1 and 2 a lot of times while trying out different characters so upon hearing the user's exchange of comments at Blizzard's forum, I felt disappointed. One of the user commented that the game was ridiculous, he was booted-out of his own game session many times while playing the single-player mode. I fully understand how they feel. Correct me if I'm wrong but I do remember in Diablo 2, Blizzard made the Single Player characters unplayable on Multiplayer mode so why make the single player character saves on the server? Many said it was because of money - well, it is the very reason they made D3.
In my opinion, they should have made two packages; one for single-player only and the other one is both single player and multiplayer mode. Atleast anyone can play the game anywhere they want and if piracy is concerned, the player should atleast be online whenever it reaches a certain level (eg. level 1, 10, 20, 30, etc...) - saves Bliz some money too for additional servers they have to provide for all users. One player also commented that it is stupid to download a 7.5 GB game and not able to play it on places where there are no internet connections. Worst thing is if this game was ever cracked, it would be very unfair for those who purchase the 7.5GB game who can't play it anywhere while the user with a cracked copy will be much more happier of his game.
The launch of the game eventually made new fans but made some or most of the game's loyal fans their worst critics and haters. I am still quite disappointed at this new policy, too bad I was planning on buying the collector's edition. Anyways, there is still a possibility of me buying the game if ever they have fixed the problem of being queued for a long time before you can play on a single player mode and booted on your own game as well. There is also my upcoming vacation which could probably get me banned if I ever logged-in the Philippines.
So was it a success for Blizzard's Diablo 3? you judge. Sorry, there won't be any Diablo game review for now.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Laughing out loud is all I did when I watched this cartoon clip from Taiwan. I'm just glad that they have they also find China's claim - ridiculous! Just enjoy the video.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
If you haven't seen or played the game Marvel Super Hero Squad Online then I advise you to play it. Okay, the characters of the game are all SD or Super Deformed. Super Deforming the characters made them look funnier and cute. Usually, SD is done with some anime to make a funny story like the Full Metal Alchemist SD I've seen before. Even Gundam SD was made fun and at the same time cute but that is totally a different story.
Let us focus on Marvel Super Hero Squad Online or MSHSO. The game was based on its animated cartoon show version. I've seen a few episodes while watching with my son and I can't help but laugh. It's funny and also hilarious and that was probably the reason it had a great impact on kids and kids at heart as well. It was also the reason I use it as a theme on my son's 6th birthday.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Have you had an experience where you are trying to browse something and then suddenly your Firefox browser redirects you to a different URL? Whenever you make a search or you misspelled a URL, it redirects you to another URL. This usually happens when a user installs a plug-in for Firefox which hijacks every searched keywords the user uses. This plugin is a hijacker application. You don't need to worry because it is not worst as it seems though when not properly handled it may harm your computer when you continue to browse with this issue still on hand. It's best to fix it before it gets worst. Here are some of the hijackers I've encountered:
Yahoo - keeps on hijacking my misspelled URL and redirects me to their website for hosting purposes.
Hotspot Shield - is quite random, sometimes you are on a trusted website and then when you click on a picture you are suddenly sent to search of hotspot shield.
It is very easy to fix and there are no need to install any other application. Just follow these steps:
Open a new tab on your Firebox browser.
Type about:config
On the search box, type keyword.URL
Once you found what you are looking for, right-click on the item and choose Reset.
Now enjoy your browsing once again.
Hope this helps your problem.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Bastion is an RPG game made by Supergiant Games. It is a great RPG game however for me it lacks charisma maybe it is because of what the team Blizzard (Diablo creator) have set as a new standard for RPG games. I've played it for awhile but unable to make a review. So now here is my review for the game.
Graphics was stunningly designed. You can see their artists' love to the game by the quality and detail of the doodads and characters in the game. I must admit that this game inspired me to make a new blog for game reviews only because of the game's art. I love the way they have designed everything.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Watching movies and TV series is one of my daily habits. I've tried a lot of media players out there like the free media player from K-Lite media player, Windows media player from windows and even the bundled media player application from purchased DVD drives or bundled media player on purchased computers but VLC Media Player is the best one that suit all my media viewing.
VLC media player is a freeware application for viewing movies. It can view most of the standard video formats and is very easy to use. For more viewing pleasure and more movie format options, you can also install the codecs packed with K-Lite codec pack which is also a freeware application. For anime lovers, this will be helpful since a lot of subbers prefer to use a codec that has a much compressed image to make the file smaller but has the same or even higher image quality.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
After playing the game Kingdoms of Amalur for more than 24 hours which took me two weeks, I've decided to give The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim a try. My younger brother told me of this game even he hadn't tried it himself yet and when I tried checking the gameplay at Youtube, it looks really good so here is how I find the game. You might need around 6GB of hard disk space for installation.
Graphics was really great. The environment was rendered wonderfully, perhaps better than Kingdoms of Amalur. However, I don't know if you have noticed this but when I tried killing some stray wolves they got stiffed immediately - it's kinda funny and a bit distracting for me. Imagine a wolf or a bear killed by a shock of thunder, that is how I see it. Haven't they heard of the rug-doll effect?
Gameplay feels like Kingdoms of Amalur. The game started with a scene on a carriage full of fellow prisoners which got me quite excited because of the thought that I could be using a horse in this game which is also something new. You may also choose to be an evil and good here. For PC versions, you can even get married to a guy or a gal which is a bit awkward for some so an open-mind is required to play this game.
Sometimes Action and Movements were quite unresponsive specially when you are going through the menus. Probably an update patch will fix this. With regards to attacking enemies, I find it hard to attack an enemy using a mouse and like I said it is quite unresponsive to my clicks or probably a delay. I still like the movements or actions in Kingdoms of Amalur specially when using the new set of weapons like dagger and Faeblades - they're awesome. Standard controls are set to keys "a", "s", "w", "d" for walking around the game. This game I think should be played using a gamepad control when played on a PC coz it sucks to play with your keyboard and mouse. I lost interest after playing for 30 minutes. I am considering to buy a gamepad now for more upcoming game reviews.
Story? Well, I really coundn't say much since I've stopped after 30 minutes of playing. From the looks of it, you are mysteriously connected to the dragon that attacked the prison camp on the first cut-scene. I'm probably going to play this after I bought a game pad. It is a decent game and it's probably a game that you'll either hate or love. If you love games like this and you're not irritated to the game controls then you'll probably love this game.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
At last, I've got my hand on my first ever DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) - the D90. Too bad they run out of D7000 but I guess D90 will do great and wonders probably. I just compensate it with new a telephoto lens. I must say, compared to the Nikon F60's grip, Nikon D90 is quite smaller. I still love the touch and feel of the F60 but I guess I'll get use to it with frequent usage.
I admit I was a bit overwhelmed with D90's buttons which is I think about more than 10. I have already downloaded a few video tutorials about how to learn photography before and I've watched some already. I've had a few basic lessons already that I've used with my F60 and thank goodness it was easy to adopt with D90 controls.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Graduation is coming this March and right now most of my fellow Filipinos and most OFWs here in Saudi Arabia are looking for all their graduating children (high school) are looking for gifts for their children. Well, I have reviewed Jarir Bookstore's latest brochure and checked out their new laptop offers. Here are two of my best picks for all who have a budget of not more than 3000 SR.
First one may be an i3 processor - Satellite L755 M1DW but it is packed with 1GB (NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 525M with CUDA™ Technology) video card. This could also be a gaming laptop.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
On the first part of my article about Money in Blogging, I've already said that anyone could earn money through affiliate marketing with the use of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and I can still say that it is still the best way to earn money.
Tons of affiliate marketing products can be sold in your blogger and these companies are just waiting for you to link them to their customers. Being an affiliate merchant is not that easy, that is why it is also an investment to learn affiliate marketing. It's been years of being an affiliate merchant and I still learn new mistakes I did and learned new tricks too.
Here are some sample affiliate marketing products:
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
I have compiled a few brochures here in my lap and compared each one of them on where one should get an IPad 2 or a Galaxy Tab here in Saudi Arabia. To all who have no idea of what these two are, they are the latest technology in tablet PCs. I know most guys would want to know the price and then check out their specs. So check out the tech deals offered by top shops in KSA or Jeddah to be precise. The prices below were based on their current brochures (as is) so please don't blame me if there were changes on their prices.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Once again I have tested Tosha my mistress Toshiba laptop to it's capability in rendering such a great game. I've been hearing a lot of good reviews about this game so I had to check it out for myself.
Graphics were so stunning, you can almost feel that you are inside the stunningly rendered environment. I really dig the character creator and the model skins.
Gameplay feels almost like Fable but better graphics. I just finished 3 quests and was able to acquire my own house, I wonder if I could also get married and have family like in Fable. You could choose to be good or evil and create your own weapons and potions.
Actions and Movements are smooth and game is very responsive to its associated keys. Didn't experience game lags whatsoever (another great performance Tosha!).
Story gets a bit complicated when you listen to side quest stories but with regards to the details of the story, it is quite good.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
I don't really know what it is called but to give you a hint of what it looks like, you can browse my side widget and check out the widget below the Facebook Like widget that says "Xleon Tips in g+".
Before doing that, you maybe wondering why do you have to do it. Here are some benefits to it:
If someone follows you by adding you in their circles, you can inform all your followers about your latest article by posting it in your Google+ page. You will have repeat customers or readers if you got them interested in your new topic.
More g+ means, more respect! Oh Yeah!
Could be a start a budding friendship relationship.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Okay, last time I posted about my new laptop and said that I haven't tried any games yet to test the capability of the laptop I just bought so I did some serious testing. I've been hearing lots of noise about this game called Modern Warfare 3 and it seems pretty high caliber (means require a huge amount of memory) so I tested the laptop with this game.
At first I was a bit hesitant to download the game, anyways it's just to test, so I did download the 16GB game. You can buy this wonderful game at Steam, yes it is truly wonderful! I am amazed at the graphics, the huge maps on every mission and the game itself - of course I felt proud of Tosha (my mistress laptop). The game was smooth and hardly ever lagged. Great performance Tosha!
The controls are like Rainbow Six's controls so for me who's an avid fan of Tom Clancy games, it's like I was playing it for a long time. I still have to check the controls menu to see what other available options are there for me.
I was actually preparing for the most anticipated game Diablo III but if only I knew how great this Modern Warfare 3 is then this would have been my most anticipated game - it is now. I don't have to wait for Diablo III. Well, I'll still wait but while waiting for it, it will be MW3 that conquers my free time. Here is one scene I'd love the most.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Choosing the right tool for the job makes all things a lot easier and makes the goal more achievable. After doing an excellent job in designing and creating the content of a website, it is time to host your website or blog and here is how you do it.
1. Enumerate your Requirements
It is best to prepare all the things that you'll be needing before you jump down on the first opportunity you see. State the platform you plan to use if it is a Windows based (Net Framework) or Linux based (PHP). How much space and bandwidth you'll need or if you will be needing a database. How many emails you'll be needing. If they have a one-click application install such as Wordpress, Joomla or whatever CMS (Content Management System) you'll ever need. This list will then serve as your guideline on every step of the way.
2. State your Budget
How much are your willing to invest with the requirements you have stated on the first step? This could be a monthly budget or a yearly budget.
3. Look for a Hosting Company It is important for a webmaster, web developer or a blogger to know which hosting company delivers its services effectively and accurately according to the list on step 1 you have gathered. It is not an easy task to review and check each hosting companies you'll find in Google searches. Not all hosting companies you'll find in Google are excellent at their job and not all deliver what you need. I do believe that it is important to look for a web hosting review that will help you in purchasing a plan before you regret it in the future. Here are some of the best web hosting services you can ever find. You'll find detailed descriptions of each hosting companies, the services they offer and the price and bonuses they give away.
4. Compare and Enumerate Candidates
In choosing your hosting company, compare the list (step 1) you have made with the services you found on step 3. Once you found the one that fits the description, double check the price and services on their website. Write down your candidates.
5. Decide
After finding the right prospects, compare and determine which would be the best for your needs. Choose a package plan and decide.
Hope you find this useful. If it is, you are welcome to share it using your favorite social networking sites. Good day to all.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Okay, so many birthdays, Christmases have already passed and I have not treat myself lately until today. Now for the first time, I've bought myself a high-end computer and not just a computer but a laptop. It is actually a gaming laptop and I love it, I haven't tested it for gaming though.
I would like to present to you, my new mistress named Tosha! But before that, let me describe Tosha's features. Tosha is from Toshiba. A Satellite L755-M1M3 with an i7 processor. Packed with 6GB DDR3 memory which I am planning on maximizing while the memory is still available on the market. Video RAM of 2 GB from NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M and has a hard disk capacity of 750GB. WiFI, Bluetooth, webcam, 2USB ports + 1 USB3 and with an LED screen display of 15.6" widescreen. It comes with freebies too. A USB Mobily Connect with a speed of 7.2 mbps for 3 months (5GB/mo) + 4GB Sandisk Flash Drive + some pressure balls to take off some of the pressure from my credit card bill this coming month.
So I now present you:
My white complexion Tosha
First thing I did as I unpacked Tosha was prepare my blank DVDs for burning recovery discs since they don't come with the package anymore. So remember, it is important to burn a recovery disc just in case you did something wrong and you have to recover its fresh and undisturbed working state.
While burning the recovery discs I was able to cook porridge (lugaw) for tomorrow's breakfast. Made me hungry, I'll probably try some. This is my first post using Tosha and we'd like to thank you for continued patronage. God bless to all.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Yey! Another premium member joined my referral which gave me another chance to cash-out earnings from Clixsense. I would like to thank Clixsense Team Philippines for its continued growth and for continued honest effort of the administrator.
Clixsense started the PTC business around year 2007 and still is honestly paying their members while Clixsense Team Philippines is a group of all-premium members (yes, all of them are premium members) who wants to assure of a better earning from Clixsense which also gave members a chance to have a residual income.
Joining at Clixsense doesn't require members to have referrals to earn money. For more information about (CSTPH) Clixsense Team Philippines, click here.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
To all Mozilla Firefox users out there, here are top 5 must have add-ons for Firefox to make your browsing better, faster and more secured.
Top 5 Must Have Add-ons for Firefox
AdBlock Plus - this allows you to browse websites without having fear of too much loading of advertisements which of course makes your browsing faster. This is good if you are browsing your own blog and you don't want to accidentally click your own ads (prevents you of being banned on your ad networks).
AdBlock Plus Pop-up Addon - just an add-on to AdBlock Plus to block even the pop-up windows.
WOT - this one is a great add-on as well, especially when you browse a lot. This even works with Google searches or even on Facebook links. When you search on Google, you'll see an arrow on the right end of the site and it is categorized in colors. Red is of course, could be harmful to your PC and green is a go! You can even report a site if you suspect something is wrong with it so that site won't be able to harm others anymore.
Memory Restart - when you are using a low-end PC, you'll probably find this very handy especially if you like opening a lot of tabs or watching YouTube videos (which consumes a lot of memory even if you finished watching a video and closed it already). When installed, it is located both on the navigation toolbar and on the right side of the statusbar. You can use this if you feel that Firefox is getting slower. You can also use it to monitor Firefox's consumed memory. Just a warning, if you have customized your Firefox to clear all caches and cookies when closing it, you should probably consider disabling that or just save your online work (probably when you are writing a blog) before clicking the button because it will restart the Firefox. Don't worry you'll be asked before doing so.
Video Download Helper - if you love watching YouTube videos and other streaming video sites and you want to have your own copy to show it to your family or friends in offline mode, then you should have this. My friend found this useful for his Korean tele-novelas (lol).
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Now here is another topic that I am very good at - NOT making an article so interesting. The reason I wrote this is for us to avoid those common mistakes. I have actually made an article before entitled "How NOT to Attract Readers!" but this article is different because we'll actually concentrate on the article and not the blog. Although this will have the same positive effect on your readers - if you do the opposite :).
1. Bad Title
The first and most important thing we should know is that making the title for our article is very critical. Have you ever noticed yourself whenever you are reading your emails and you sometimes found yourself reading SPAM mails? That is because they have a very catchy title. The first two seconds of your blog visitor's time is reading the title so it is very important to make a very good impression.
2. Worst Introduction
Okay, you have caught your visitor's attention when they read your article's title. Now it is important that your first 50 words would be worthy of their time too. You have to make them read on until the end. I know it is quite hard. I still am having the same problem sometimes that is why I have lots of unpublished articles here in this blog because I don't find my very first 50 words interesting. One good tip: It must be related to your title. Believe it or not, by doing this you are actually optimizing your site as per SEO's (Search Engine Optimization) requirements. If you do this step, you'll be expert in no time in SEO Blogging. One other thing, Google is actually ranking (PageRank) your site or blog according to how related your content is to your title so be very cautious about making a catchy title but unrelated content.
3. Not Delivering Your Offer
Who said anything about an offer? Well, your title says you'll give pointers on how to earn $20 bucks instantly, so where is it?
You've caught their attention so now you must deliver according to what you've offered which is of course what your title said. Imagine yourself seeing a grand sale of your favorite bag, jewelry or t-shirt and after standing on a long line of people to the cashier, you found out that the item your holding was not really included on the sale items. It doesn't matter if your article is long or short as long as you deliver your offer because if not, they'll feel deceived, disappointed and will not ever come back to your blog again.
image from:
There you go. That is how you make an article NOT interesting. Thank you for your time.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
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I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
I've finally changed my template to this new one. Although I've been having some problems with some of the features that I've added along time ago. Most of the codes were intact but misplaced and I have to look for it on the codes - it's too exhausting!
I am still not finish customizing the theme and a lot of features are still not working. Like the rotating banners - still looking for good images and are related to my quick links. Sorry about that.
Here is one image I found (I know it's not even related lol!) I just got distracted by my favorite game Tomb Raider.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Here is a good news for every AlertPay account holders out there.
They are now offering pre-registration of their Debit Cards. With their
new debit cards, you will be able to make transactions almost all over
the world. Transfer money from your AlertPay account to your debit card
for your online or offline purchases.
Currently, the registration will be available for countries listed below but they will make it available to most countries soon.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Oh my! I am very sorry, I know my blog theme is not properly making sense - I don't know how it happened. Maybe it's because of my testing and trials for the new theme but please forgive me for the current eyesore theme. I'll finish the new theme this week.
Okay, this week I noticed the Adgitize banners giving notice to all publishers about them closing. Too bad, they were really a good source of traffic and I found a few good bloggers out there. It was because of them I get to see new sources of ideas and best of all is that Ken Brown, owner of Adgitize is a very honest to goodness man. I got my payment for my current earnings from them. Thank you very much Ken Brown and goodbye to Adgitize. I hope whatever you venture Ken, if it is something that we can benefit with our blogs - please inform us and you have my support on that.
It's a pleasure doing business with you Ken Brown-Adgitize.
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Noel AblonWeb Developer
Follow me on:
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.
Good day everyone! It's been months since I've posted an article here. I've been busy with a lot of stressing things, sorry. But I am here because I've been thinking a lot about what to do when I go to my beloved country - Philippines. Of course before I forget, belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! It maybe late but it's the thought that counts eh!
Let's all hope 2012 will be a good year for everyone. 2011 wasn't so good but wasn't even bad for me. It's balanced but more of great blessings, check it out at my Baul ni Noel. If you have been there you'll know that I am out of job pretty soon that is why I am thinking of where to go in Manila when I get there.
While surfing the web, Facebook to be particular, I saw videos of "Pilipinas, Tara Na!" and was amazed at how they have packed all the goodness of Philippine tourist spots in their videos. Actually, because of so many things you can see in the Philippines, you have to check out all their videos. One video contains a collection of tourist spots in the Philippines and since it has only a 5 minutes duration, not all the great spots were included but they made a few videos so you won't miss all of them. It is quite fun and enjoyable to watch, just try it
Here is the best one I've seen. There are more below.
I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.