Oh my! I am very sorry, I know my blog theme is not properly making sense - I don't know how it happened. Maybe it's because of my testing and trials for the new theme but please forgive me for the current eyesore theme. I'll finish the new theme this week.
Okay, this week I noticed the Adgitize banners giving notice to all publishers about them closing. Too bad, they were really a good source of traffic and I found a few good bloggers out there. It was because of them I get to see new sources of ideas and best of all is that Ken Brown, owner of Adgitize is a very honest to goodness man. I got my payment for my current earnings from them. Thank you very much Ken Brown and goodbye to Adgitize. I hope whatever you venture Ken, if it is something that we can benefit with our blogs - please inform us and you have my support on that.
It's a pleasure doing business with you Ken Brown-Adgitize.
It's a pleasure doing business with you Ken Brown-Adgitize.
Hi Noel. It is sad to see Adgitize go. It's actually through Adgitize that I got to know your blogs. Will still visit from time to time.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, congrats to your having a new baby. God bless.
Hello, same here! Thanks to the greetings and God bless to you too.