Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My 3 Week Internet Rumblings!

For the past two weeks, I've been blog hopping almost an hour or 2 and found a lot of interesting things out there. Thanks to EntreCard and Adgitize for introducing me to them. By the way, I just reached 1000 ECs, Yehey! Though I won't have much of a use for it right now, I'm planning on maybe a contest next year or this coming Chritmas.

Speaking of Christmas, I've been interested on things that maybe of use to me like food! One of things I've been interested of while blog-hopping are the cooking tips. There is also some electronics which is I am most fond of and mostly the one that take most of my time reading while blog-hopping. Okay, I am a tech-freak. I love looking at those cool devices that blinks, LEDs, LCDs, etc...

Right now, I am eyeing on a modem/router which has wireless and cable feature. I'll probably get one by December or January after I finish my subscription with my Go services. Go services is the first internet provider in Saudi Arabia that offered wifi. It is fast but my problem is I have this urge to download things - can't tell. I just download and check it out then afterwards delete it. Awhile ago, I finished downloading a game - it's a free game MMORPG called Dragonica and it is more that 1GB. Thanks to BitComet, my download was completed. Now, my question would be when will I be available to play this game, my hands are kinda full right now.

I am going 1 month blogging with XLEONTIPS and pretty soon I'll be reaching the minimum payout at Adgitize. I have reached 1000 ECs with EntreCard and gained a lot of ads with CMF Ads. I'm quite happy with what is happening but I am not contented with that. I am trying my best to find more tips on how you can earn money thru internet by experiencing it myself.

So far the most effective would be for bloggers with the use of Adgitize. With this, this blog is turning out to be an online money-making tips. Actually, this blog is not entirely about giving tips on Adobe Photoshop or windows - it is basically about almost about computer and what you can do with it. Design cool pictures, earn income with your internet and PC and lots more.

Okay, that would be it for now. I just thought I could give you some pointers while I'm here waatching my ranks, traffics, money and stuff go up. While your at it, you might wanna check adgitize if you still don't have one. I am offering a $1 money back as soon as you join under my ref link and buy an advertisement.

I'll offer some pay-to-signup here probably next week. So that's it for now. I'll be seing you all again on my next tip.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

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