Friday, October 30, 2009

If Good Things Could Happen, Expect Bad as Well

Good News
  • My popularity rate with EntreCard is getting high.
  • My traffic is getting higher as well, thanks to the combo drive made by EC and Adgitize.
  • Earning more with Adgitize than in my Google Adsense, and faster - thanks to Adgitize ads, yes I purchased a month advertisement 3 days ago and dramatically I raised my traffic.
  • Because of my gained traffic, I am earning ads with CMF Ads now, I got 18 ads now.

Bad News
  • My PC broke, I have to use the laptop.
  • I was unable to post the version 2 of the Photo to Cartoon v2.
Good News
  • Sometimes I really amaze myself, I fixed my PC but it took me hours to fix it. Never mind what happened, sometimes stupid things could happen and you just have to learn from it.
Sorry about that, I'll post the new lesson tomorrow, I'll post 2 lessons to make-up for the lost time.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Great Deals for FREE!

Would you like to have your very own domain name? Of course I know anyone would love to have their very own domain name but the question is always - how much?

Well, you'll get to have one now if you want it. It's not a .com/.net/.org - it's a You see the toolbar above? The one with www. ---- and Check Availabilty, yes that's it. You can use it to check for the domain name you wish to have and if it is available, grab one for FREE! Yes, it's free. It may be for a year only but atleast you get to taste your very own domain. You'll have an option to pay for it after awhile and it will only cost you $3/year - yes, per year.

I should warn you though, if you are planning on using your blog host such as Blogspot/Blogger - it won't work. I've tried it already so you don't have to keep on trying. If you are a cheapskate like me who wants to earn money for free, you could try hosting your site or blog at

So now you have a free web host and a free domain name. Great deal, right? What's the catch? None - and that's something you may actually call a Jackpot. With 0fees web hosting, they have their very own easy-install application where you can install Wordpress, Joomla, SMF, etc...

I got myself both so I'll tell you all about it later after the DNS have changed. I have hosted my new PhotoBlog with 0Fees and got a free domain as well. Get both now. You could start with the domain name of your own by using the toolbar above and then sign-up at ofees.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Nothing to Post?

There will come a time when you can't think of a topic to post. So what are you going to post?

There isn't really anything you can't post. Right now I am planning on posting a new topic, another version of photo to cartoon using Adobe Photoshop.

And I am already introducing my new star for that lesson. He is one funny and a loving kid and none other than our angel, Ize. My first model was my beloved wife.

This was taken last March 26, 2009 but I think this is much appropriate to be posted this coming Halloween. We played with color and painted his face like a lion. It seems I am as worst using my brush in Adobe Photoshop as using a watercolor brush.

So my tip here would be, just think of something interesting or amusing if you can't think of anything to post. And try not to go far from your theme like I just did today haha! See you on my next lesson: Photo to Cartoon version 2. Atleast, I get to give a tip once again.

Upcoming Lessons
Photo to Cartoon v.2
Comic Style Picture

Comic Style Picture Sample - This is for the promotion of our upcoming new blog which is mostly about games (facebook, mmorpg, pc games, etc..) and anime/manga.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to Get Paid from Blogging?

I almost forgot to inform you of how you will get paid - silly me. I've already tackled how you start your own blog, make it beautiful and how you maintain it and even how you get money from it. The main thing I forgot to include in my topic is how you'll get paid. So here it is.

There are currently two top choices to accept payments from online money-making business. First is the Paypal and the other is AlertPay. Most affiliate programs require PayPal so it is best to get yourself a Paypal before doing anything else. To get one, click the PayPal image on the left side.

Now, the AlertPay is mostly used in some other online money-making business like PTC or Paid-to-Click Ads. Right now, there are only a few PTC on the net that is well-respected. I am going to tackle this in some of my upcoming article.

If ever I find some good paying online money-making site which requires AlertPay, I'll post it here.

Today is my 2nd day as an advertiser at Adgitize, so far it is working quite better than I anticipated. Now, I don't need to blog-hop for 100 sites before I get to earn a 100 point for a day - I only need 51. Tomorrow I'll get to see how much I earned for a my first day as an advertiser.

By the way, with Adgitize's cheap advertisement, I got a lot of traffic better than I have anticipated. I am loving adgitize, I should have known them earlier. They are better than any traffic sites or autosurf programs which only give you repitative users. With Adgitize, you get hundreds or even thousands of unique users per day.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Adobe Photoshop: Your Photo to Cartoon

Have you ever wondered how you would look like if you are a cartoon character? Well, stop wondering and check it out for yourself. I will teach you here some simple steps in order for you to achieve a cartoon version of your self like the one below.

First, you'll need to have Adobe Photoshop and your most awesome picture. Now here are the steps.

1. Open your desired image.
2. Make the image brighter by using Curves. It is under Image / Adjustments / Curves.
3. Here is how you use the Curves. Click the middle of the line and hold the mouse while dragging it up - same as the illustration below. Please don't try to overdo it, make it bright enough to see the face.

4. Now use Gaussian Blur. It is under Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur.

5. Gaussian Blur window will appear and it will look like this. Just press OK.

6. Now use the Fade Gaussian Blur. If it doesn't appear under Edit, use Step Backward and do Gaussian Blur again and follow this next step immediately.

7. When the Fade Gaussian Blur window appears, choose Darken under the Mode category and press OK.
8. Now you have your Cartooned image.

Hope you enjoyed this lesson. More lessons to come so please standby.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Coolest Blog Choice Award!

Okay, my advertisement just got approved. Let's see what happens next. Hope to see a big difference in traffic. I also got four advertisements from CMFAds. Expect more articles coming.

Since the time I blogged-hopped for my EntreCard points and Adgitize, I found a lot of interesting sites so I'll be featuring some blogs I found cool here and probably give them a reward. For now I can only reward an award image trophy I custom-made. I'll try to finish it this week. I'll name it XLEONTIPS: Coolest Blog Choice Award and I will choose every month for the coolest blog. I'll try to make up some requirements for this contest.

One more thing, I never realized that dropping on other EntreCard member's blog would benefit me more than actually in my purchased ad using EC points. So my advice, drop EC members till you drop and earn a lot of traffic. And another thing, did you know that I have an RSS widget that shows my 5 Top Droppers in EntreCard which means if you are among the top 5, your blog could be featured in my site for FREE! Just drop my site to maintain top level. I'll probably make an award for my top dropper after each month.

That's it for now. Posting the Adobe Photoshop tuturial next.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Against Time and Money

There are a lot of things I wish to do and I wish I CAN DO but there are things hindering me from doing it. Let me enumerate those things I am talking about so I can better prioritize things.
  • Learning and understanding Blogger Themes. I want to make a theme of my own and apply it here and I've been looking through the internet of how I can do it or just give me some hints on what or where to start. If anyone there could give me light on this I will add your link in my blogroll - not much to offer now but I know it'll suffice for now.
  • Make more articles for this blog. Well, I am doing that already but since I only have one body, I can't attend two task which have the same requirement or factor and one common factor is 1 internet connection, 1 computer, 1 body, 1 mind, the time is quite short for me - I'm not dying yet hehe! but I guess 8 hours a day is not enough for the task I want to do. But I made sure to prioritize this the most.
  • Redesigning of this blog or make a custom design of my own. But since I haven't learn even the basics in Blogger Theme codes I'll have to settle with other's creation.
  • I have lots of files in my 1 TB hard drive which needs validation for duplicate files. I have to check each one out and delete all those duplicate files.
  • Capture screens for new tips and tutorials for this blog.
  • Adgitize and EntreCard - Blog hop for credits or points.
  • Edit my family vacation pictures for Facebook / Friendster. My wife keeps asking me already.
  • Study advance PHP language and make a sample useful site using MySql database.
  • Make a demo application using C#.Net with MySql - Job hiring site.
  • Promote XLEONTIPS by advertisement.
I can't believe I have so much pending stuffs to do and I can't remember some of them already. I have to finish something first. Even this post is un-organized. I'll try to post again later and update this post as well.

This blog is not even a month old so please bear with me guys. I'll post around 3 more articles this week that is worth reading and worth your while. Thanks to all of you who continue to visit us.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Found 2 New Traffic Boosters!

I just found out two new traffic boosters.

PublicityWheel - currently they have a promo. Check below:

Join now while it's hot! and very NEW!

125Exchage - This is another promising Link Exchange. So what are you all waiting for. JOIN NOW!

Wait for my upcoming article, it is about an Adobe Photoshop technique.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Friday, October 23, 2009

A Great Day!

It has been a very tiring week for me trying to venture my way back to the world of online money-making business and at the same time sharing the knowledge which has been lurking inside me for a long time. Once again, I managed to cope-up and catch-up to my new task. Here are some of my achievements for this past few days.
  • XLEON Tips is now a Preferred Publisher at Adgitize.
  • Published more than ten articles this week.
  • Gained a lot of traffic in just a few days, thanks to Adgitize and EntreCard.
As I blog-hopped through the use of Adgitize and EntreCard, I found a lot of interesting ideas. Some are really helpful and some are quite discouraging. I will share a few of my views concerning those negative issues I found to give light to others who are losing hope.

I found some articles about people complaining about the quality of their service which I think is quite reasonable and at the same time I found it unhelpful to their case. I highly recommend EntreCard especially to all those starting blogs. It is a great traffic earner. But compairing it with Adgitize is a little bit unfair. I stand corrected if there are a few of you there who will not comply when I say that EntreCard is mainly to gain traffic. I've seen an article about earning money with them but that is not my main motive with them for now. Traffic is why I am with them. With Adgitize, the traffic it builds is actually less than what EC is giving my blog but the bonus with them is I am already earning faster income than my Google Adsense.

My point is, if they aren't benefiting much from EntreCard anymore, they can just leave quietly. Why the sour-graping? Why make a bad propaganda against them? Didn't they used to be happy when they started getting traffic with EC? I mean, EC helped them before, right? Maybe there is a better and bigger organization which can help them gain more - I think that is where Google Adwords-Adsense is for. JOIN HERE!

I can certainly say that this is my most precious find. Not only I get to increase my traffic with them, they also gave me something to look forward to with my online money-making venture. Yes, a real money this time. Don't wait up guys, JOIN NOW!

I am planning on being an advertiser soon coz 3 of my friends told me that they gained more traffic and $$ when they became advertisers. I tried to study their strategy and it really looks promising. Be seing you there.

We are now offering advertising space (468x60 banner) for a 5$ 2-week unrotated banner or an 8$ 1-month unrotated banner. We are also offering a double period promo - buy a 5$ ad and get a month ad or a 8$ ad for 2 months - this will be awarded to the first 4 banners. To buy an ad space, click HERE.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fast Resizing of Images for Facebook/Friendster

Did it you happen to have hundreds of photos you just took from your vacation? And it occurred to you that your images are so high in quality and the resolution is quite bigger that the usual images in Facebook/Friendster, right?

With Friendster, there is an option for mass uploads of high quality images but of course it will take ages to upload those images. With Facebook, it goes the same with their Java enabled mass upload.

That leaves you now with one option -to resize your images. But then again, it will take you ages to resize hundreds of photos right?

Okay here is the solution that will make your life easier. First, you will need ACDSee. ACDSee is an imaging software. Sorry to say but it is not a freebie.

Now, let me give the simple steps on how you do it.

1. Open the ACDSee Photo Manager.
2. Browse for the folder where your photos are located.

3. Select the files you wish to resize by highlighting them.
4. On the buttons, just above the images you will see some buttons available there. Choose Batch Resize Images.

5. A small dialogue box will appear, choose the percentage you think is enough. Best if you test this with one file first.

6. Now, you might want to choose the directory of the files to be resized. To do that click the options button as illustrated on the image above.
7. Another dialogue box will appear which will enable you to do your desired option.

8. Click OK and then Click Start Resize. Now be patiend and just wait for it to finish.

9. After the resize method, upload your photos at Facebook or Friendster.
10. Now, brag your newly uploaded photos to your friends. Thanks for using our tips.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Our Blogroll is Open and More Tips to Come!

It would have been nive to have a few friends on my Blog Roll. XLEON TIPS is now open for link exchanges. I would mostly welcome all PINOYS! out there like me but of course everyone is welcome.

I think I'll be going for a break for this day on writing tips. Tomorrow morning will be a new day and I'll be starting my day with a new article I will call Batch Resizing of Photos for Facebook/Friendster with ???.

I am still tweaking the whole blog and redesigning my new header that will be out soon. I'll probably re-design the whole blog once I reach a 20 articles at least. I know this will be painful but somebody has to do it.

I am just getting used to EntreCard, Adgitize and the CMF Ads. I might advertize once I reach about 20 more tips. CMF Ads is kinda hard to start if you don't have any starting investment. Unlike EntreCard and Adgitize where you have an option to earn points or EC to purchase ads. I am thinking of deleting my account with CMF Ads coz I think it is only to earn you revenues and not traffic but I'll just let the widget on for a while and see what happens.

There will be more tips coming from Adobe Photoshop up to cool freeware softwares.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Complete Guide to Start a Blog and Earn Money!

I would like to share a few resources I found very helpful to your blog. And since you are a beginner, this tip would be great for you.

First thing you should think of is the appearance of your site. Is it cool enough or just enough. Cool widgets would really make it look great but the design or the theme should be good too. You can use Blogger's default themes since they have quite good archive which I think hasn't been updated for years. Why not try some cool new themes? Here are the best places where you could get those cool themes.
But before you change your blog's theme completely, it is best for you to backup your theme and backup your widgets as well.

Next thing is for you to drag people in your blog. You can ask a few friends to come and visit your site using your Facebook but I doubt it will gain you a lot of visitors. Traffic, it's what I called it - I invented it yet nobody came and see what traffic is. Come that's just a joke. Anyways, I have posted on my previous entry about this traffic so you can just go there - Click here. Please do come back on this page.

Thanks for coming back.

I will just give you an in depth about the EntreCard and Adgitize. Simplifying it.

EntreCard - there are ways to earn credits from them. One drop you'll earn a credit. Using those credits you may be able to purchase ads on a website. The most cheapest amount is 2EC or 2 credits which means with 2 drops you can buy an ad for a day in some other member's blog. If the popularity of a member's blog is high, it usually has a higher per day cost. You could buy as many ads as you want as long as you have credits or EC. Your ads will only be shown on where you purchased your ads. Basically, this is the best place you could start earning traffic. I still can't confirm about the availability of the credits to cash.

Adgitize - this is also a good way to start earning traffic but unlike EntreCard, you will have to earn 300 points until you can buy an advertising using your points. BUT - a big but is your advertisement is shown on all members randomly in their banners that is why it is quite expensive compared to EC's lowest 2EC only. By the way, your points will be converted to real money and it is up to you if you use it for traffic or cash it. They have a minimum of $10 minimum payout for PayPal and $50 for checques less $10 for processing I think.

CMF Ads - another great advertising site and traffic much the same as Adgitize. They have very cheap ad packages here, offered by publishers which is YOU. And you get 100% of your fund or your sold ads. You also get to modify the cost of ads in your site.

This three can go together and they work quite well with each other. Another thing, earning money will still depend on the content of your blog and how dedicated are you to promote your site.

So that's it for now. I'll be giving more tips next time so tune in with me for updates.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Draw Traffic to Your Site or Blog

For starters, your newly created website or blog will have a few visitors. Of course you don't want it to stay that way. You can gain build traffic by doing the following:

You can earn your reputation by joining social network sites where lots of people with the same interest gather.
  • One good example for social blogging site is Blog Catalog.
  • Another one is NetworkedBlogs.
  • There is however a better way but will require you to blog hop and drop certain blogs in order to get REAL traffic and that is through EntreCard - a great social blogging for beginners. There is some news that they are already implementing credits to cash thus giving you the capability to earn money with them.
  • The best I've seen so far is Adgitize. Your blog will not just earn you traffic but will also earn you money. They also offer a very good and cheap advertising cost.
  • Traffic Sites - e.g. EasyHits4U is currently the number one traffic site. You can even earn money from them. TrafficSwarm. This however is not good for your adsense. Disable Google Adsense to your site if you are posting your blog to this traffic sites or you'll get banned from Google Adsense.
More options to come so please watch out.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Our New Banners!

I felt inspired and decided to make banners for this blog. Here are two banners I came up with.

Please use these banners to link on our site. Thank you very much.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to Back-up Blogger Blog Widgets and Restore?

Okay, you have already learned how to create your own blog and you are able to back-up your blog settings, what more should you know?


What is a Widget?

I tried looking at wikipedia for the description and I found it a bit technical for beginners like you. Best thing is to show it to you. Back out a feet away from your screen and try checking the sidebars on this blog. There is the Subscribe buttons on the top which will allow your readers to be updated of your latest articles. There is also the sitemeter below the sidebar which tracks the number of visitors who came and view your blog. Yes, they are called widgets. There are different kinds of widgets as shown on the right image. Just choose whatever pleases you the most. To add a widget, just click "Add a Gadget" as shown on the image below.

Basically, widget makes your life easier. Why bother making programs to track down your visitors or open each of your topics to read each person's comments when you can see it all in one page or on a small portion of your blog?

Before adding more stuffs to your blog, it is best for you to know how you can back-up some of your widgets.

This lesson will teach you how to back-up your HTML/JavaScript widgets and restore them just in case you messed-up your blog caused by a bad coding widget.

Wait! Why only HTML/JavaScript widgets? Because it is the only widget that can be copied by code. The rest can be done manually by their own widget tool.

What do I benefit on this? If it is some networking widgets or chat, then you won't have to go back to the website, login on their site and get the codes again.

There is no easy solution for this and there's no shortcut either, if you happen to find out a shortcut, please inform me and let us share it to the world. The image above shows the layout in Page Elements tab.

Backing-up HTML/JavaScript widgets:

  1. Click Edit under an HTML/JavaScript widget which has a header that says "Add a Gadget".
  2. A new window will appear that will show the codes for that widget. Copy it.
  3. Open notepad and paste the codes there.
  4. Do steps 1 and 2 until you have copied all your HTML/JavaScript codes. You can paste the codes on the same notepad but be sure to put some in between tags or title.
Restoring of HTML/JavaScript Widgets:

  1. Click the "Add a Gadget".
  2. Copy the codes from the notepad that contains all the backed-up codes.
  3. Paste the codes.
  4. Do steps 1-3 until you finished restoring all your HTML/JavaScript widgets.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

How to Back-up Blogger Blog Theme and Restore?

Now that you have learned how to create your very own blog with, you might want to know how you can back-up your current settings, just in case something bad with your current design or theme. Crash in your blog could happen if you are trying to add some widgets and you accidentally copied a bad code. So here is how you can backup and restore your blog settings. Remember, your entries are intact and untouched, it's only the setting that is backed-up.

Back-up your Blog Theme:
  1. On your Dashboard, click the Layout and below it choose Edit HTML. Oh! I forgot this is for Bloggers / Blogspot. I'll try to make one for Wordpress next time. So here is what it should look like, just ignore my sites logo.
  2. Click the Download Full Template. It will allow you to back-up your whole blog along with it's widgets and current theme in XML format. Place it in your My Documents folder and name it with your blog's name and date so you can tell what it is.
  3. That's it. If you happen to accidentally remove some of your important widgets then this will restore your previous setting.
To Restore:
  1. Using the same screen, click the browse and select the XML file you have saved before.
  2. Then click upload. Blogger will inform you that most of the widgets will be discarded so you have to be sure that you are uploading the latest back-up of your blog. So if it is the latest one, then there is no need to be scared of over-writing your current blog.
Hope this has been useful to you. Please don't forget to rate my site. Again, thank you for using my tips.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How To Start Blogging: Step 3

Where to make your blog?

When you ask where, that means where you HOST your blog. There are a lot of free blog host online. The most common are Blogger from Google and the Wordpress. Hosting your blog with them is much easier since it is maintained by them. Hosting your own blog can be more tedious since you have to update the blog software from time to time and you have to pay as well.

For starters you can choose from the two most famous Blogger and Wordpress. There are other free blog host to choose from (try using Google with keywords: free blog host). I’ll name a few of them like Squidoo, Blog, Blogates, tBlog, etc…

As for me, I used Blogger since it has an easy integration with Google development tools like Google Analytics, Adsense and Feed Burner, etc... What are those? I'll just tackle that in my other article.

So from here on, it will be up to you. You can also continue the lesson - just follow the next lesson which is attracting visitors and make money with your blog.

So what blog host is on your mind? If you will be choosing Blogger, I’ll try to make a tutorial for it.

Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

How To Start Blogging: Step 2

What is the title of your blog?

After you have thought about your blog's topic, the next thing would be the title of your blog. Think of something cool and short as possible, if it is long try to make it easy to remember. Pick a name easy to understand or easy to remember. Most often, sites with cool names alone, tend to attract visitors. Best if you pick at least 5-10 names because others may have thought of the name already.

How can a name be so important?
Well it is important - just like how your parents gave you your name. It could be something that made you think of blogging. It is the name that gave you uniqueness to others. Just a tip: you can always make it related to the topic you have chosen but just make it short.

So what’s your blog’s name? I think it’s about time we go to the next topic.d

Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

How To Start Blogging: Step 1

What is Your Blog About?

Best if you start a blog topic of your interest. Don't start a blog about things that you don't know yet. But if you are going to focus on how you learn of the topic you are planning and probably make a progress report of how you grow, then I guess it is okay.

This is the most critical step of all, most people often mistake on this. Others start a topic that isn't even their interest. As a result, the blog is neglected because of lack of interest of the author. You can try and think of your skills, abilities, hobbies or anything that mostly describes YOU!. Yes YOU. If the blog is nothing about yourself then your interest will just dissipate or your interest will just go away any moment. Even if your blog is about a certain person that you truly respect or admire, it still describes you as that person’s admirer – it means the blog is still about you.

So have you thought of the topic?  Let’s go to the next topic.

Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

How To Start Blogging


Okay, you are probably here because you found my site through Google. or you have found me through one of my advertisements. And the reason you are reading this article is you have no idea how to start your own blog. If you already know how to blog, then this article is not meant for you or you could stick around and read some of my other articles. Or you could read this article and probably make a suggestion.

What is Blog?
Basically it means is weblog and it is maintained regularly by an individual or group .It could be a diary or some commentaries, reviews, ideology, etc... One person can make a movie review using blog or one can also post their original recipes and even their great adventures. Blog gained popularity for the past few years and has had a lot of categories ever since like photo blogs, news blogs or tips and helpful solutions blog much like this blog.

Now that you have an idea of what blog is, let me guide you on how you can make one yourself.

First, you should be thinking about some important details before you start your very own blog. I have enumerated the things I consider important rules and steps to create your very own blog.:

Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

To CSS or Not to CSS?

I am developing websites for a long time but I never really knew CSS that much. I know CSS and how I can do it, I've actually made some but my knowledge is only up to it's crust, but going deeper is a different thing so I've tried looking for an example. I was staring at the codes when I finally realized that I don't understand some of it and how and what it does.

I saw some great samples like the one making sub-menus and horizontal menu, vertical menu, etc.. and I was mesmerized to its capability. So now, I am compelled to study CSS - I hope I can comprehend. Wish me luck guys. By the way, I found some interesting sites that has truly great samples.

Dynamic Drive - feast your eyes upon CSS heaven.

I'll share more once I stumble into something great.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

Some Great Finds!

Finders creepers! I found some pretty interesting tools for all Joomla fanatics out there. I'll try to update this article once in a while.

For Joomla Users
Multiple Adsense Account - I tried looking for this option in the official Joomla Forum but I was disappointed to find a commercial product which is sold for $10. Okay, before you find me cheap, I was about to purchase it but I tried my luck with Google and look for the keywords "revenue sharing adsense joomla" and found a FREE solution - kaching!. Why settle for a cheap solution when you can have it for FREE haha!. Thanks Justin Cook, you can download it at his site - CLICK ME!

COOL Comments - Now, here is a cool way to let users interact with every article you post in your Joomla site. BUT it comes with a price - BANG!. Price is $19.99 for standard and for Pro, a banging $34.99. THE COOL DEMO! - I won't be needing this for now - I think forever. I don't see and feel my need for such thing, I just found it CUTE and COOL.

Simple Image Gallery - Here is another cool and FREE plugin for you. CHECK THE DEMO. To download, just go to their site, don't wanna hog the traffic. You'll find some other usefull and FREE stuffs on their site. Grab it while it's hot - grab it while it's FREE! Why do I emphasize FREE so much, coz it's FREE! It's from JOOMLAWORKS.

Simple Image Rotator - Here is another one from JOOMLAWORKS. Makes your frontpage look like a professional news portal. CHECK THE DEMO. Again, it's FREE!

ALLVideos -Are you a Youtube fanatic or likes to post videos. You might want this stuff, it is from JOOMLAWORKS as well. Ah JOOMLAWORKS, makes your dreams come true. It's also FREE by the way. Just go to the site for demo, I'm tired of copying and pasting of urls.

That's it for now. Thanks for the visit.

Please check out my other sites:
Baul ni Noel - a chestful of original articles by me, just a warning - I am not a professional - am just an inspired and aspiring artist.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

More Tips to Come!

Hello. Good day to all of you. I am Noel Ablon. A computer programmer and a blogger.

First of all, I'd like to thank you all for visiting my blog. This blog is about some helpful facts, solutions or tips on random things. When I say random, it could be tips on computer software, probably games, blogging, SEO Blogging, online opportunities, making money by blogging, etc. I hope you enjoy your stay here. More tips coming up soon.

Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.