Thursday, October 7, 2010

CSS Menu Integration - Successful!

At last, I was able to integrate my menu. While doing the customized menu I have realized that I still have lots of things to do to all my previous articles and that includes re-tagging. I've seen some scattered categories which would be helpful if I have made a proper tag for them.

So for now, this will do good for everyone's navigation. Now it is much easier to navigate through this blog. I am still trying to blend the menu and make it really presentable but after working for 3 hours, I think I'll have my zzzz's. The coffee effect is starting to wear off and I still have to go to work tomorrow.

It was a very tedious task but thank God I made it alive -I wish there is some other easier way to do it. There is also a new project for me, I hope I can do blogging and the other project at the same time. I probably won't be blog hopping for a few days.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

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