Friday, October 15, 2010

The Adwords Adventure

At last I am using the Adwords and using the voucher I got from Google, I draw my first few keywords. It wasn't an easy task. The reason I have not started before is I wanted the landing page to my advertisements clear and presentable and as much as possible --very clear.

I did a lot of re-phrasing on my keywords and made a few research. My time is quite limited right now because of my son's condition. He's sick so whenever he is asleep and my wife is on duty - I take my time to study about it. Right now, my spare time is quite divided as well --Adgitizing, EC Dropping, CMFAds spiking and a lot more others so a few time has been given to my Adwords studying.

I never knew finding the right keywords for Adwords is not easy. Actually, it is easy but the only trouble I get is the Average CPC that is calculated to the keywords I used is quite expensive. One keyword I tried gave me a tentative (Saudi Riyals)SR11.20/click ($2) --and it is just one click (No wonder Google is so rich now). With my daily maximum Budget of SR25 per advertisement I could only get 2 clicks from it which means I have to find different keywords. If you don't know the meaning of those terms (average CPC, maximum daily Budget), you can go to Adwords or Google it --it is quite complicated for me to explain right now (sorry). 

Can you see what I am trying to do here? Yes, I am trying to stretch the money that was given to me to the point that before I loose that money --I have learned a lot already. I guess that is the very purpose Google gave away Adwords coupon --for us to learn how to make use of it for our benefit. Well, this is a great experience.

One great thing happened though. One of my advertisement gave me a few hits and it cost me around $0.06 and for that I've earned $0.18 at my Adsense so which means I am doing good for start but the only problem is, there is less traffic in the keywords I've chosen.

The last resort I did is to make a new advertisement and making the average CPC automatic and made my maximum daily Budget to SR25, It could have less clicks but let us see. I want to see what happens maybe it is not that bad --anyway I'm using a free money from them so I've got nothing to loose.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.


  1. I received a free voucher amounting to $30 but i didn't use it. But still it can be use but the value will be decrease already. When i read about advertising adword i have to pay something in order to use my account.

  2. I don't know what is wrong with your vouchers but isn't it what voucher is about? If it is free then that means you don't have to pay for anything.

    Maybe you could check it again. I also thought at first that I'll be needing a credit card once the voucher is activated but after I activated it my balance changed. Now I am using the balance.

  3. I also got that voucher but have not touched it. Maybe when I have a real business to promote. Hope you do well with Google Adwords.

    Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I passed on to you the Versatile Blogger Award. Hope you can drop by my blog to read about it. God bless.
