Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3rd Adgitize Payment

It's another payout for me from Adgitize. Here is the proof. Nothing more to explain about Adgitize, they are famous and they'll give you more opitions to earn money at home.
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.


  1. Here from CMF and actually leaving a comment. I think I may be one in the few that don't care for adgitize. There's no filtering for the ads there and just remind me too much of EC. I'm glad they're working out for you, but they don't for me.

  2. Thanks for your honest opinion and the visit as well.
