Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Free Emoticons for Social Networks

Did you know that there is actually a free and easy way to get emoticons or to show-off at your Social Network sites? Here are some of the things you can use to make your Facebook status cool and shout with style at your Friendster. You may find it more appealing and less hazardous to your computer: 

Alt + 1 ☺
Alt + 2 ☻
Alt + 3 ♥
Alt + 4 ♦
Alt + 5 ♣
Alt + 6 ♠
Alt + 7 •
Alt + 8 ◘
Alt + 9 ○
Alt + 10 ◙
Alt + 11 ♂
Alt + 12 ♀
Alt + 13 ♪
Alt + 14 ♫
Alt + 15 ☼
Alt + 16 ►
Alt + 17 ◄
Alt + 18 ↕
Alt + 19 ‼
Alt + 20 ¶
Alt + 21 §
Alt + 22 ▬
Alt + 23 ↨
Alt + 24 ↑
Alt + 25 ↓
Alt + 26 →
Alt + 27 ←
Alt + 28 ∟
Alt + 29 ↔
Alt + 30 ▲
Alt + 31 ▼

You can even combine them with text to make expressions:

☼_☼ - wink! is like you are winking at them
(*o*) - oink at your friends
<ยบ))))>< - make things look fishy

or make a statement:

:: (\_(\ ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
*: (=' :') :::::: If only Noel was here  ::::::::
•.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*

Experiment and have fun. These are far more better than third party plug-ins that sometimes may harm your computer. Enjoy!
Noel Ablon Web Developer

I am Noel Ablon. A father of two wonderful kids. A loving husband to a wondeful wife. A Bible believing Christian. A web developer / graphics artist / programmer or a fullstack web developer.

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